Shot by Shot contains scores of primary source documents, including reports from German officers, print and video interviews with Jewish survivors, articles from the Soviet and American press about the killings and the liberation of concentration camps by Red Army units, and first-hand accounts of the open air massacres that targeted the Jews throughout German-occupied Soviet territory. This eBook also explores the trial of Einsatzgruppen commanders at Nuremberg where twenty-three defendants, including six SS generals, were indicted for the mass murder of Jews in occupied Soviet territory. The trial resulted in more death sentences than at any other trial at Nuremberg. But in the postwar period, when the United States was under pressure from West German leaders to avoid executions, almost all of those condemned to death received a reduction in their sentences and were later released by 1958 – in spite of the fact that they had been convicted of murdering one million Jews!
The website of Facing History and Ourselves – www.facinghistory.org — has two videos featuring Joshua Rubenstein that accompany Shot by Shot and help to explain this history for educators and students. To purchase the eBook, go to: https://www.facinghistory.org/for-educators/educator-resources/resources/shot-shot-holocaust-german-occupied-soviet-territory